Dog of the Day - Tuesday 5th July
Ben, Lottie, Mabel and Poppy

9.45 Class
I just couldn't choose between these 4 dogs for Dog of the Day, so had to award them all a medal. All 4 were really impressive and made a difficult course look fairly easy. They even made their handlers look good :D
11.15 Class
Allison and Lemsie

Lemsie did extremely well today and was even working with 2 handlers. Lemsie loves her agility, always looking so enthusiastic at the start and then so pleased with herself at the end.
12.45 Class
Frances and Floss

Floss won her medal for winning the 30 second dash competition today and almost completed the whole course in that time. Very well done !!!
Ineka and Neera

This was only Neera's 2nd week and what a huge improvement. As her confidence has built, she has really taken to it all and was able to do a full course today and pretty well,too. Well done to both of you.
Dog of the Day - Saturday 9th July
Angela and Sienna, Gilly and Freddie, Andy and Harry, Lisa and Shackleton

Midday Class
Credit to Lisa especially, as she was running both Harry and Shackleton at the start of the lesson. Thanks too, to Sienna and Angela for standing in with so many away this week. All the dogs put in a great performance today and al the handlers should be very pleased with them. Was really impressed with Freddie who looks like he is really focusing a lot better now and probably put in the best round he has ever done this weekend.
Nandie and Pixie, Claire and Jelly

1.30 Class
Winners of today's 30 second dash in the small dog and large dog catagories were Pixie and Jelly.
Nandie's SatNav finally started working today and they put in an impressive performance to just finish ahead of Rosie, Hugo and Merlin in the small dog catagory.
Claire and Jelly put in a very impressive performance and were first to go, setting a target of 18 pieces, that no-one else could reach, with Milo getting the closest with 15.
Vicky and Obi, Michelle and Jenson

3.30 Class
I had to break some of my own rules with these 2 dogs as I don't usually give out medals to someone on their 1st lesson here or give out a medal on 2 consecutive weeks but these 2 dogs performed so well, that it would have been criminal not to award them both a medal. Jenson is a little pocket rocket who really loved it all while Obi has come on so much since his 1st ever agility lesson a couple of months ago. The handlers didn't too badly either ;)